Caroline Calouche & Co. and Charlotte Cirque & Dance Center
Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy
We at Caroline Calouche & Co. and the Charlotte Cirque & Dance Center take harassment seriously in all its forms. We strive to provide a work environment both physical and virtual that is pleasant, healthful, comfortable, and free from intimidation, hostility or other offenses, which might interfere with work performance. Unlawful discrimination or harassment will not be tolerated.
What is Discrimination?
Discrimination is where an individual is treated differently because of the individual's membership in a protected category, such as race, color, sex, religion, national origin, nationality, ancestry, alienage or citizenship status, age, disability, creed, affectional or sexual orientation, marital status, domestic partnership status, military status, genetic information liability for military service, predisposing genetic characteristics, atypical hereditary cellular or blood trait, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law.
What is Harassment?
Harassment is unwelcome conduct that is based on race, color, sex, religion, national origin, nationality, ancestry, alienage or citizenship status, age, disability, creed, affectional or sexual orientation, marital status, domestic partnership status, military status, genetic information liability for military service, predisposing genetic characteristics, atypical hereditary cellular or blood trait, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law. Offensive conduct may include, but is not limited to, offensive jokes, slurs, epithets or name calling, physical assaults or threats, intimidation, ridicule or mockery, insults or put-downs, offensive objects or pictures, and interference with work performance. Harassment is unlawful where this conduct is severe or pervasive enough to alter the conditions of an individual's employment and create an abusive working environment.
We consider this our highest responsibility, and we expect all employees and independent contractors to abide by all guidelines and conduct themselves at all times in a manner that is in keeping with the highest standards of behavior set by Caroline Calouche & Co. / Charlotte Cirque & Dance Center.
Everyone associated with Caroline Calouche & Co. / Charlotte Cirque & Dance Center must observe appropriate boundaries both in the studio, at a performance event and off site.
Sexual or romantic relationships with any program participant, regardless of age, are strictly prohibited and will result in the immediate dismissal of the employee or contractor;
Employees and contractors are not permitted to be alone with program participants. There must always be at least one other participant or staff member present. This includes meetings, walks away from the public areas of campus, and similar circumstances;
Employees and contractors should always use appropriate language with our participants and never speak to them in ways that are demeaning, harassing, exploitative, or sexually oriented;
Off season contact with participants should be limited, appropriate, and conducted with the full knowledge of the participants’ parents or guardians, and must be conducted in accordance with these policies;
Everyone at Caroline Calouche & Co. / Charlotte Cirque & Dance Center is a mandatory reporter and is thus responsible for reporting any perceived misconduct or concerning behavior immediately to someone in a position to address the issue. (see the Mandatory Reporting Policy for further details).
Reported violations of this policy by an employee or contractor may result in immediate suspension and exclusion from Caroline Calouche & Co. / Charlotte Cirque & Dance Center programs and property while an investigation is conducted.
The following practices have been established to prevent harassment or abuse of minors.
Access to Events
All individuals in the event space must be registered attendees, event staff, or have explicit written permission from an executive staff member.
Every minor must have a named adult chaperone who can be reached in case of emergencies.
Reporting Policy
Caroline Calouche & Co. / Charlotte Cirque & Dance Center affiliated adults (employees, contractors, board members, workshop leaders, and chaperones) are to immediately report any suspected abuse, harassment, neglect, or threat of harm to a minor that they witness or come to be aware of using the Communication Path.
In cases of suspected risk of harm to a minor, the designated Caroline Calouche & Co. / Charlotte Cirque & Dance Center staff member(s) are expected to immediately (within 12 hours of receiving this information) contact Child Protective Services where the suspected abuse is believed to have occurred. If it is disclosed that it occurred in another state, contact that state's CPS. All states’
CPS can be found here:
Communication with Minors
At least one other adult, ideally the minor’s guardian, must be copied on any digital correspondence (email, text, messenger apps, etc) between a minor attendee and a Caroline Calouche & Co. / Charlotte Cirque & Dance Center employee, contractor, board member, or workshop leader. This practice is also recommended for any digital correspondence between a minor attendee and any other adult attendee (chaperone that is not the attendee’s parent/guardian, etc).
Two sets of eyes
At all times when an adult (employees, contractors, workshop staff, board members, or event attendees) is physically present with a minor attendee at a Caroline Calouche & Co. / Charlotte Cirque & Dance Center event, there should be a minimum of one other person (minor or adult) also present.
Official photos, videos, and other media of minors may only be created or shared with consent of the minor’s guardian, via a signed Caroline Calouche & Co. / Charlotte Cirque & Dance Center media release, which only applies to use of media created by Caroline Calouche & Co. / Charlotte Cirque & Dance Center.
As part of Caroline Calouche & Co. / Charlotte Cirque & Dance Center’s culture of consent, all participants (youth, adults, and staff) are asked to be respectful and ask permission to photograph others and ask permission to post on social media. This expectation is to be verbally reinforced by faculty and staff.
Background Checks
All staff, employees, contractors and volunteers will be background checked via national criminal registry and national sex offender registry.
Mandatory Reporting Policy
Who do I talk to if I have a problem with someone?
If you have a problem with another person during a Caroline Calouche & Co. / Charlotte Cirque & Dance Center event, class, rehearsal or show that you can’t fix by talking with them about it, there are people here to help you!
Use the chart below to find the right person to help with your problem.
School Manager: Kristin Bridges, info@cltcirquedancecenter.org
Director: Caroline Calouche, info@carolinecalouche.org
Board: Board President, Brandy Skelly, skelly.brandy@gmail.com
Our reporting procedure provides for an immediate, thorough and objective investigation of any discrimination or harassment claim. Following an investigation, any student, employee, contractor or volunteer who is found to have engaged in prohibited
discrimination, harassment or other conduct that violates Caroline Calouche & Co. / Charlotte Cirque & Dance Center’s policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of services and/or employment. Appropriate action will also be taken to deter any future prohibited discrimination and harassment.
If any student, employee, contractor or volunteer believes he/she has been discriminated against or harassed, or is aware of discrimination or harassment against others, the student, employee, contractor or volunteer should provide a written or verbal report to the appropriate person listed above in the chart. The report should include the details of the incident(s), the names of individuals involved, the names of any witnesses, direct quotes when relevant, and any documentary evidence (emails, text messages, notes, pictures, etc.).
All incidents of discrimination and harassment that are reported will be investigated. student, employee, contractor or volunteer will endeavor to protect the privacy and confidentiality of all parties involved to the extent possible consistent with a thorough investigation.
Protection Against Retaliation
Caroline Calouche & Co. / Charlotte Cirque & Dance Center will not retaliate against students, employees, contractors or volunteers for reporting discrimination or harassment. This no-retaliation policy applies whether a good faith complaint is well founded or ultimately determined to be unfounded.