Membership Training
Membership Information
Being a member of the Charlotte Cirque & Dance Center means you always have a place to practice, store equipment, work on new skills, and talk about dance and circus with others. Membership comes with a variety of benefits, including:
Access Monday - Sunday from 8am - 9pm.
Free use of some communal supplies and equipment, including German Wheels, Lyras, Trapeze, Silks; cross-training equipment (yoga balls, yoga blocks, hand weights, self-massage tools, etc.) a variety of mats, juggling equipment, and more.
Members may practice in the CC&DC even while other groups are meeting, as long as they stay in parts of the space that are not already reserved.
Membership Cost
Tiered Rates
Household Annual Income less than $25,000
Monthly Ground Rate: $30.00​
Monthly Ground & Aerial Rate: $35.00
Household Annual Income $25,000 - $44,999
Monthly Ground Rate: $45.00​
Monthly Ground & Aerial Rate: $50.00
Household Annual Income $45,000 - $59,999
Monthly Ground Rate: $55.00​
Monthly Ground & Aerial Rate: $60.00
Household Annual Income $60,000 - $99,999
Monthly Ground Rate: $65.00​
Monthly Ground & Aerial Rate: $70.00
Household Annual Income $100,000+
Monthly Ground Rate: $70.00​
Monthly Ground & Aerial Rate: $75.00​
Get a 10% discount when you purchase 1 year up front.
Guest Pass – Ground: $12/day
Guest Pass – Aerial: $14/day
Memberships are billed automatically as a recurring payment.
To cancel membership simply email info@cltcirquedancecenter.org prior 2 weeks prior to the end of the month.
All notices must be in writing via email.
Membership Eligibility & Terms
​All CC&DC members must sign and agree to abide by a safety policy and membership agreement.
Members must also be vetted by the CC&DC faculty and staff before they are granted access to the space.
Must be 18 and up
A minimum of one year of consistent training with instruction is required to be considered for membership
Aerial: Demonstrate sufficient rigging knowledge acquired through Open Practice approval or from prior rigging training.
Most submit 2 references that can attest to your experience and abilities, rigging and safety competency, and general ability to make sound decisions and exemplify good leadership.
NOTE: If you are not a current CC&DC student, we might ask you for a video demonstrating your skill level and rigging knowledge.
The Process to Join
Complete the membership application.
CC&DC admin staff will vet your membership request. The vetting process differs by discipline due to the level of risk associated with each discipline.
If the CC&DC staff approves your membership request, you will then schedule an orientation with a staff member and set up your monthly payment.
Safety Policies
Be safe and stay alert.
Only use equipment or participate in activities after you have proper training or experience.
Always use a spotter if you feel uncertain.
EVERY participant and guest must sign a waiver/release form.
If a major injury or accident occurs, CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY.
If a minor injury or accident occurs, get the affected person medical attention ASAP.
You are responsible for your own property. CC&DC is not responsible for any loss, theft, or damage to personal property used.
Be alert for hazards and other participants in the training areas.
Never distract anyone participating in the training areas.
CC&DC is an alcohol-free, substance-free, and smoke-free facility, with a zero-tolerance policy. If you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the CC&DC is off-limits. Violating this policy will result in a terminated membership. Guests who violate the policy will be asked to leave.
Equipment/Studio Policies
Keep our floors clean. Don’t walk across them with wet or muddy shoes! In winter and rainy weather, clean shoes thoroughly or bring a dry pair for use in CC&DC.
All equipment that is designated for community use is pointed out during member orientation. If it’s not yours and not communal, don’t use it.
If you damage any equipment or notice any broken or defective equipment notify ASAP.
Do not remove CC&DC property from the premises without board authorization.
No destruction or vandalism of equipment will be tolerated.
Before leaving the studio you must:
Make sure all equipment is put back in its place
All lights are turned off
Doors are locked​​